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BenQ Monitor Calibration Guide

For a compatible BenQ monitors, Calman can automatically calibrate the display by loading calibration data to the display’s internal 3D LUT or by using a combination of 1D LUT and color correction matrix.

Calman Required Version

  • Calman (Ultimate or Studio) Version 5.11.0 or later

Calman Workflow

  • BenQ Monitor Calibration

 BenQ Firmware

  • Firmware updates for BenQ monitors can be obtained by contacting BenQ support in your region

BenQ Control Port

  • USB A to B cable



Calman Supported Models

  • BenQ PV270 (Matrix)
  • BenQ SW270C (Matrix)
  • BenQ SW271C (Matrix)
  • BenQ SW321C (Matrix)
  • BenQ SW272U (3D LUT or Matrix)
  • BenQ SW272Q (3D LUT or Matrix)
  • BenQ SW242Q (3D LUT or Matrix)

Step 1

  • Welcome to the Calman BenQ Monitor Calibration Workflow, press Start Calibration to begin calibration

Step 2

Here you will connect to your BenQ Monitor and calibration hardware

hardware connect external source connect external meter connect benq monitor

  • Connect to your BenQ Monitor to your computer using a USB A to B cable (Can be USB 3.0 or USB 2.0 A > B Cable)
    • On the Find Display dialog choose Manufacturer: BenQ and Model: BenQ PV270/SW270C/SW321C or BenQ – SW272U/SW272Q/SW242Q
  • External Meter Connect
    • Press External Meter Connect button
    • On the Find Meters dialog, select your meter if it is listed, then click Search. If your meter is not listed on the Find Meters dialog, just click Search.
    • On the Meter Settings tab, under the Meter Mode drop-down, for a colorimeter select a meter mode appropriate for the display type you are calibrating. For a spectrophotometer, no special selection is required.
      • For C6 Meters select LCD (LED) BenQ
  • External Source Connect
    • For a hardware test pattern generator, connect the generator to a control port on the Calman computer.
    • On the Source Settings tab, click the Find Source button.
    • On the Find Source dialog, select the Manufacturer and Model of your test pattern source device.
    • Select the Com Port, if appropriate.
    • Click Connect.

Step 3

In this step, you can configure your calibration targets

configure calibration targets target information whitepoint colorspace EOTF

  • Colorspace
    • Preconfigured at Rec.709/sRGB
  • Whitepoint
    • Preconfigured at D65
  • Gamma Formula
    • Power Function is preconfigured, you may change the power function using the box to the right

Step 4

In this step, you’ll take readings of your display before the calibration. These will be used to compare your calibration results

pre calibration capture read series button

  • To take Pre-Calibration Measurements click the Read Series […] button to measure the display’s grayscale and ColorChecker response

Step 5

Mode selection 3D LUT Matrix

  • Select the display mode you wish to calibrate you can choose two methods for calibration. Connect via the method you wish you calibrate with.
    • 3D LUT
      • Calibrates the monitor using a 1D LUT for grayscale calibration, and a 3D LUT for color gamut correction
      • Supported on SW272Q/U and SW242Q
    • Matrix
      • Calibrates the monitor using a 1D LUT for grayscale calibration, and a 3×3 matrix for color gamut correction
      • Supported on all models
    • NOTE
        1. Each mode (1 or 2) can only store a 3D LUT OR a Matrix calibration, not both.
  • Press Reset Current Mode to prepare the display for calibration
    • NOTE: This process may take up to 15 minutes

Step 6

read continuous button luminance target luminance calibration

  • Luminance Target
    • Using the Brightness control for the monitor, displayed on screen, adjust to your luminance target.
      • Click the Read Continuous button to measure your TV’s light output at 100% white and adjust the display’s peak white to the desired luminance.
    • Luminance is a subjective target, you may need to target higher to account for the ambient light in your environment.
      • Below are some general luminance levels for different viewing environments (Supported levels are 45-250 cd/m^2)
        • Dim Room: 80-120 cd/m^2
        • Overhead lights: 120-160 cd/m^2
        • Bright Room: 200+ cd/m^2

Step 7

press autocal button autocal 1D + Matrix

Press the AutoCal button to begin the Greyscale and Color Gamut AutoCal process.

  • Depending on the calibration method chosen in Step 2 this will complete a full calibration on your display including a greyscale 1D LUT (look-up table) and 3×3 Color Matrix, or a greyscale 1D LUT and a 3D LUT color cube.

Step 8

It’s common to lose some overall luminance after the 1D LUT calibration. Use step this to adjust back to your luminance target if it has changed

verify luminance

  • Click the Read Continuous button to measure your monitors light output at 100% white and adjust the display’s peak white to the desired luminance.
  • Press Stop when luminance adjustment is complete

Step 9

Here Post-calibration readings are taken to document the post-calibration condition of the display.

Post calibration capture

Click the Read Series […] button

BenQ monitor calibration save config save and report additional validation

  • SDR Calibration now complete.
  • Press the Save Config button to load the calibration to the monitor.
  • Press Save and Report to save your Calman session file and open a report
  • Or, Press Additional Validation to perform additional post-calibration tests with Saturation Sweeps and Pantone ColorChecker patches.

Tags:  AutoCalbenqSetup