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Calman System Requirements

PC Requirements (Minimum)

  • Windows 10 version 22H2 (Calman 5.3.1 and newer)
  • 2 Ghz Processor
  • 2 GB Ram
  • Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.6 or higher

PC Requirements (Recommended)

  • Windows 11 (x86)
  • 2 Ghz Dual-Core Processor
  • 4 GB Ram

Requirements for Virtualizing Calman on Intel Macs

  • Latest supported version of Parallels with Windows 10 or 11 (x86) can work for many but not all displays and monitors.
  • Bootcamp will not work with all TV displays or monitors, due to certain connection encryption protocols that have been updated and are no longer compatible on the driver level.
  • Note that Bootcamp is no longer supported by Apple.

Tags:  InstallationRequirements