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UPRtek MK550T Guide

The UPRtek MK550T Spectroradiometer can be connected to and controlled by Calman to perform display measurements.

Calman Required Version

  • Version 5.8.1 or later

MK550T USB Device Driver

  • Microsoft HID device driver, loaded automatically by Calman

Calman Meter Connection

  1. Connect the UPRtek MK550T USB port to a USB port on the Calman computer, and then launch Calman. Calman will automatically connect to the MK550T.
  2. If the MK550T is plugged into the Calman computer after Calman is open, the meter can be added by clicking the Find Meter button on the Calman Meter Settings tab.
    1. On the Find Meters dialog, check the option box for UPRtek MK550T (USB)
    2. Click Search.
  3. On the Calman Meter Settings tab:
    1. Meter Mode (Target Display Type) – You can select one of the 20 custom modes the meter supports. Each mode can contain a user-defined meter matrix for measuring a specific panel type.  If no matrices have been uploaded to the meter, the selected meter mode does not matter.
    2. Initialize Meter – Before using the meter, a dark calibration must be performed with the meter lens cap in place over the lens. To begin this dark calibration process, click the Initialize Meter button
      1. At the  Meter Initialization screen, ensure that the meter lens cover is in place, then click the Initialize Meter button.
      2. The progress bar will cycle for about 10 seconds while the meter is being dark calibrated
      3. Remove the lens cover when complete, to begin the Calman measuring session.
    3. Standard Exposure Mode – Different meter exposure modes will yield optimum results with different display technologies. The “Fast 1.5 Second” mode is default. You may wish to check for the fastest exposure mode that yields stable measurements in a Continuous Read mode.

Tags:  SpectroSpectroradiometerUPRtek