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LG 2024 OLED and QNED AutoCal Guide

Calman can guide the calibration of compatible 2024 LG TVs in SDR, HDR10, and Dolby Vision modes. This assures the most accurate rendering of both SDR and HDR picture content by the use of a 1D and 3D LUT.

Required Hardware
  • HDR and Dolby Vision Compatible Pattern Generator
    • For 2024 Alpha 9 and Alpha 11 models, this can be the LG Internal Pattern Generator (For more info see This Article)
  • HDR Compatible Meter
Calman Compatible LG TV
  • 2024
    • Alpha 5 (Note: Alpha 5 models do not support Dolby Vision)
      • QNED80
      • NANO80
      • UT90
      • UT80
      • UT73
      • LR60
    • Alpha 8
      • OLED B4
      • QNED90
      • QNED85
      • 86Nano80
    • Alpha 9
      • OLED C4
      • QNED99
    • Alpha 11
      • OLED M4
      • OLED G4

SDR Calibration

Open SDR Calibration Steps

Step 1

  • From the Calman Menu in the top-left, choose Open Workflow Template -> Display Specific and then AutoCal – LG
  • On the introduction screen, click SDR Calibration to proceed to the hardware connect page

  • Plug your meter into a USB port on the computer and press the Find Meter button on the left
    • When your meter is connected, select your display type from the dropdown (this will vary by meter, OLED TV – 2024 for C6 meters)
  • Connect Pattern Source to your computer. If you’re using the internal pattern generator , see this article for connection steps
    • Click the Find Source button then select your source
    • Select the pattern window size
      • OLED: Window 10%
      • LCD: APL 10
  • Connect to your LG TV
    • Click the Find LG TV Button
    • Pick the LCD or OLED Model you are calibrating in the drop-down under Model.
    • Enter your TV’s IP Address into the connection dialog box, and click Connect

  • When prompted, enter the 8 digit passcode displayed on the TV (Will only appear on first connect)

Step 2

Confirm the calibration targets and prepare TV

  • For SDR, calibration targets should be:
    • Rec709
    • D65
    • Gamma
      • For a reference viewing mode (Night Mode)
        • OLED models should target Power 2.4 gamma formula
        • Super UHD LCD models should target ITU BT.1886
      • For a bright room viewing mode (Day Mode), both OLED and LCD models should target Power 2.2 gamma formula.
    • Hardware Options
      • Pattern Size:
        • OLED: Window 10
        • LCD: Constant APL 10

Step 3

  • To prevent an LG OLED display from entering its auto-dimming mode during extended measurements, the Calman Pattern Insertion feature periodically inserts a different test pattern during extended test pattern measurements, to reset the display’s auto-dimming timer. This is not required on LCD models.
    • Press Set SDR Default to configure the following settings
      • Pattern Insertion
        • Frequency: 45
        • Duration: 5
        • Pattern Level: 25
      • Pattern Stabilization
        • Patches: 1
        • Duration: 1
        • Level: 10

Step 4

In this step, you’ll take readings of the display before the calibration. These will be used to compare the calibration results



  • To take Pre-Calibration Measurements click the Read Series […] button to measure the display’s grayscale and ColorChecker response
    • This will provide a point of reference to compare the calibration results

Step 5

Here the target picture mode can be selected, and the TV will be reset to prepare for calibration


  • Select Picture Mode to Calibrate.
    • Each Picture Mode is a separate memory slot for calibration data. Calibrations to one mode and colorspace do not affect the other picture modes.
  • Using the picture mode dropdown menu on the RIGHT, select which picture mode you would like to calibrate.
    • SDR Picture Modes:
      • Cinema
      • Expert Bright
      • Expert Dark
      • Game
      • Filmmaker
  • After selecting the picture mode, click the Full DDC Reset button. This resets and prepares the picture mode for calibration.
  • Enable the calibration mode by checking the checkbox on this page. If it is already checked, proceed to the next workflow page.
  • Click Next after the DDC reset is complete

Step 6

In this step, you will be able to adjust the Luminance of thw display to match your desired target. Luminance is a subjective target. SDR reference luminance is 100cd/m2, but you may need to target higher to account for the ambient light in your environment.

  • Click the Read Continuous button to measure your TV’s light output at 100% white and adjust the display’s peak white to the desired luminance.
    • Luminance is a subjective target. SDR reference luminance is 100nits, but you may need to target higher to account for the ambient light in your environment.
  • Adjust your TV’s backlight/OLED light control so your TV is about 15% brighter than your final target to account for a reduction in luminance when calibrating the 1D LUT in the next step
  • Press Stop when luminance adjustment is complete

Step 7

Here Calman will adjust the Multipoint Greyscale of the display using a 1D LUT

  • Press the AutoCal button and select the correct data points in the AutoCal Dialog to auto-calibrate the Grayscale/Luminance response on the display.
    • There are several SDR Greyscale Point options. Choose the one that best fits the target video levels. In most case 26pts SDR 16-255 is appropriate
    • The brightness and contrast controls need to be set to default for the 1D LUT AutoCal to work correctly. (B: 50 C: 85)
  • Click OK to begin greyscale AutoCal

Step 8

On this page, Calman will calibrate the Color Management using a 3D LUT

  • Press the AutoCal button to open AutoCal dialog
    • Calman has multiple methods for creating a 3D LUT. For information about these LUTs see THIS ARTICLE
  • Choose the video range that matches your target and pattern generator settings
  • Click OK to begin colorspace AutoCal process
  • When AutoCal is complete, press the Next button to proceed
    • Uncheck the Enable Calibration checkbox to apply the 3D LUT
    • Press Next

Step 9

It’s common to lose some overall luminance after the 1D LUT calibration. Use step this to adjust back to your luminance target if it has changed

  • Click the Read Continuous button to measure the TV’s light output at 100% white and adjust the display’s peak white to the desired luminance.
    • Luminance is a subjective target. SDR reference luminance is 100nits, but you may need to target higher to account for the ambient light in your environment.
  • Adjust the TV’s backlight/OLED light control so your TV is about 15% brighter than your final target to account for a reduction in luminance when calibrating the 1D LUT in the next step
  • Press Stop when luminance adjustment is complete

Step 10

  • Disable Calibration Mode by unchecking the checkbox

Step 11

Post-calibration readings to document the post-calibration condition of the display.

  • Click the Read Series […] button to measure the display’s grayscale and color gamut response.

  • Click Next.
  • On the Calibration Complete page, you can choose to…
    • Save and Report
      • Select Save and Report to generate the calibration report
    • Calibrate Next Mode
      • Returns to the beginning of the workflow where a new mode or colorspace can be selected
      • Note: Does not save workflow data
    • Additional Validation
      • Allows measurement of the display using more thorough Saturation Sweeps and ColorChecker® patch sets

SDR Calibration is complete.

HDR Calibration

Open HDR Calibration Steps

Step 1

  • From the Calman Menu in the top-left, choose Open Workflow Template -> Display Specific and then AutoCal – LG
  • On the introduction screen, click HDR Calibration to proceed to the hardware connect page
  • Plug your meter into a USB port on the computer and press the Find Meter button on the left
    • When your meter is connected, select your display type from the dropdown (this will vary by meter)
  • Connect Pattern Source to your computer. If you’re using the internal pattern generator , see this article for connection steps
    • Click the Find Source button then select your source
    • Ensure HDR is enabled
    • Select the pattern window size
      • OLED: Window 10%
      • LCD and NanoCell: APL 10
  • Connect to your LG TV
    • Click the Find LG TV Button
    • Pick the LCD or OLED Model you are calibrating in the drop-down under Model.
    • Enter your TV’s IP Address into the connection dialog box, and click Connect
    • Ensure Colorspace is BT.2020
    • Enable the HDR checkbox (Alpha 9 and 11 models only)

Step 2

Confirm the calibration targets and prepare TV
  • For HDR, calibration targets should be:
    • rec.2020
    • D65
    • Gamma st.2084
      • LG HDR and Dolby Vision calibration is completed with a 2.2 gamma curve and HDR /Dolby Vision processing is disabled. This will be configured by the workflow automatically during the calibration steps

Step 3

  • To prevent an LG OLED display from entering its auto-dimming mode during extended measurements, the Calman Pattern Insertion feature periodically inserts a different test pattern during extended test pattern measurements, to reset the display’s auto-dimming timer. This is not required on LCD and NanoCell models.
    • Press Set HDR/DV Default to configure the following settings
      • Pattern Insertion
        • Frequency: 5
        • Duration: 5
        • Pattern Level: 25
      • Pattern Stabilization
        • Patches: 1
        • Duration: 1
        • Level: 10

Step 4

In this step, you’ll take readings of your display before the calibration. These will be used to compare the calibration results

  • To take Pre-Calibration Measurements click the Read Series […] button to measure the display’s grayscale and ColorChecker response
    • This will provide a point of reference to compare your calibration results

Step 5

Using the Picture Mode dropdown menu to the right, select which HDR picture mode you would like to calibrate

  • Select Picture Mode to Calibrate.
    • Each Picture Mode is a separate memory slot for calibration data. Calibrations to one mode and colorspace do not affect the other picture modes.
  • Using the picture mode dropdown menu on the right, select which picture mode you would like to calibrate.
    • HDR Picture Modes:
      • HDR Cinema
      • HDR Game
      • HDR Filmmaker 
  • After selecting your picture mode, click Reset. This resets and prepares the picture mode for calibration.
  • Enable the calibration process by checking the checkbox on this page. If it is already checked, proceed to the next workflow page.
  • Click Next after the DDC reset is complete

Step 6

Here Calman will adjust the Multipoint Greyscale of the display using a 1D LUT

  • Press the AutoCal button and select the correct data points in the AutoCal Dialog to auto-calibrate the Grayscale/Luminance response on the display.
    • Select LG 20 Points HDR
    • The brightness and contrast controls need to be set to default for the 1D LUT AutoCal to work correctly. (B: 50 C: 100)
  • Click OK to begin greyscale AutoCal

Step 7

On this page, Calman will calibrate the Color Management using a 3D LUT

  • Press the AutoCal button to open AutoCal dialog
  • For HDR, the supported LUT type is Matrix LUT which creates a 3D LUT using 3×3 Matrix math by reading just five color patches.
  • Click OK to begin colorspace AutoCal process
  • When AutoCal is complete, press the Next button to proceed

Step 8

Here Calman will use the measured peak luminance to set a custom HDR tone curve. 

To set a custom tone map:
  1. Measure the peak luminance for the display in HDR mode
  2. Enter the measured Luminance into field in the workflow
    • This is also available in the Display DDC tab
    • Note: no other values should be changed
  3. Press the Tone Curve Upload button in the workflow to load the tone curve values into the display
  • When Complete
    • Uncheck the Enable Calibration checkbox to apply the 3D LUT
    • Press Next

Step 9

Post-calibration readings to document the post-calibration condition of the display.

  • Click the Read Series […] button to measure the display’s grayscale and color gamut response.
  • Click Next.

  • On the Calibration Complete page, you can choose to…
    • Save and Report
      • Select Save and Report to generate the calibration report
    • Calibrate Next Mode
      • Returns to the beginning of the workflow where a new mode or colorspace can be selected
      • Note: Does not save workflow data
    • Additional Validation
      • Allows measurement of the display using more thorough Saturation Sweeps and ColorChecker® patch sets

HDR Calibration is complete.

Dolby Vision Calibration

Open Dolby Vision Calibration Steps

The Dolby Vision calibration process is quite different than any previous calibration process for TVs.

First, some background information. Current HDR-compatible televisions are still based on 2.2 gamma at the panel level. The HDR EOTF (ST 2084 or HLG) is then mapped onto the native panel response of 2.2 gamma.

Working with LG and Dolby, Calman sends special Dolby Vision “Relative Mode” metadata to put the TV’s Dolby Vision engine into pass-through mode. You then calibrate the grayscale 1D LUT to 2.2 gamma and D65 white point using AutoCal.

After you calibrate the grayscale to 2.2 gamma and D65, you will use Calman to create a custom Dolby Vision config file, by taking White, Black, Red, Green, and Blue measurements.

To verify the results of your calibration, you will set your pattern generator’s Dolby Vision metadata to “Absolute Mode.” Then, verify the calibration results against D65, P3 Primaries, and ST 2084 EOTF.

Step 1

  • From the Calman Menu in the top-left, choose Open Workflow Template -> Display Specific and then AutoCal – LG
  • On the introduction screen, click Dolby Vision Calibration to proceed to the hardware connect page

  • Plug your meter into a USB port on the computer and press the Find Meter button on the left
    • When your meter is connected, select your display type from the dropdown (this will vary by meter)
  • Connect to your LG TV
    • Click the Find LG TV Button
    • Pick the LCD or OLED Model you are calibrating in the drop-down under Model.
    • Enter your TV’s IP Address into the connection dialog box, and click Connect
  • Connect Pattern Source to your computer. If you’re using the internal pattern generator , see this article for connection steps
    • Click the Find Source button then select your source
    • Ensure Dolby Vision is enabled
    • Select the pattern window size
      • OLED: Window 10%
      • LCD and NanoCell: APL 10
  • Enable Dolby Vision on your pattern generator. Configure your Dolby Vision metadata to Absolute 
  • Click Next
  • A Dolby Vision verification screen will appear to verify that the Dolby Vision signal is being interpreted properly

Step 2

Confirm the calibration targets and prepare TV
  • For HDR, calibration targets should be:
    • DCI P3
    • D65
    • Gamma st.2084
      • LG HDR and Dolby Vision calibration is completed with a 2.2 gamma curve and HDR /Dolby Vision processing is disabled
  • Click Next
  • A Dolby Vision verification screen will appear to verify that the Dolby Vision signal is being interpreted properly

Step 3

  • To prevent an LG OLED display from entering its auto-dimming mode during extended measurements, the Calman Pattern Insertion feature periodically inserts a different test pattern during extended test pattern measurements, to reset the display’s auto-dimming timer. This is not required on LCD and NanoCell models.
    • Press Set HDR/DV Default to configure the following settings
      • Pattern Insertion
        • Frequency: 5
        • Duration: 5
        • Pattern Level: 25
      • Pattern Stabilization
        • Patches: 1
        • Duration: 1
        • Level: 10

Step 4

In this step, you’ll take readings of the display before the calibration. These will be used to compare the calibration results
  • To take Pre-Calibration Measurements click the Read Series […] button to measure the display’s grayscale and ColorChecker response
    • This will provide a point of reference to compare the calibration results

Step 5

Using the Picture Mode dropdown menu to the right, select Dolby Vision Filmmaker mode.

  • Select Picture Mode to Calibrate.
    • Each Picture Mode is a separate memory slot for calibration data. Calibrations to one mode and colorspace do not affect the other picture modes.
  • Using the picture mode dropdown menu on the right, select which picture mode you would like to calibrate.
    • Currently Dolby Vision FILMMAKER MODE is the only compatible mode for some 2024 LG TVs
  • After selecting the picture mode, click the Reset. This resets and prepares the picture mode for calibration.
  • Enable the calibration process by checking the checkbox on this page. If it is already checked, proceed to the next workflow page.
  • Click Next after the DDC reset is complete
    • For Dolby Vision calibrations the pattern generator metadata must be switched from Absolute to Relative. The LG Internal generator does not need this changed.

Step 6

Here Calman will adjust the Multipoint Greyscale of the display using a 1D LUT
  • Press the AutoCal button and select the correct data points in the AutoCal Dialog to auto-calibrate the Grayscale/Luminance response on the display.
    • Select LG 20 Points HDR
    • The brightness and contrast controls need to be set to default for the 1D LUT AutoCal to work correctly. (B: 50 C: 100)
  • Click OK to begin greyscale AutoCal

Step 7

Here you will create a configuration file specifically for Dolby Vision. This will calibrate the CMS in Dolby Vision Mode
  • Click on the Create Dolby Vision Config button, to create a custom Dolby Vision config file, consisting of White, Black, Red, Green, and Blue measurement data.
  • After the config file has been created, load the file into the TV using the On/Off button
  • Uncheck the Enable Calibration checkbox to apply the 3D LUT
  • Change the pattern source metadata to Absolute before validating the calibration in the next step.

Step 8

Post-calibration readings to document the post-calibration condition of the display.
  • Click the Read Series […] button to measure the display’s grayscale and color gamut response.
  • Click Next.

  • On the Calibration Complete page, you can choose to…
    • Save and Report
      • Select Save and Report to generate the calibration report
    • Calibrate Next Mode
      • Returns to the beginning of the workflow where a new mode or colorspace can be selected
      • Note: Does not save workflow data
    • Additional Validation
      • Allows measurement of the display using more thorough Saturation Sweeps and ColorChecker® patch sets

Dolby Vision Calibration is complete.